Friday, January 25, 2013


(Short) Book Review: Kau, Aku, dan Sepucuk Angpau Merah - Tere Liye

Baru aja selesai baca ini. Hehehe. Ceritanya tentang cinta pertama Borno, "bujang berhati paling lurus" yang tinggal di pinggir Sungai Kapuas sebagai pengemudi sepit (sejenis perahu kecil untuk penumpang, kalo di Palembang mungkin namanya ketek kali yaa).

Ini buku kedua Tere Liye yang aku baca (yang pertama aku baca adalah Rembulan Tenggelam di Wajahmu). Ceritanya ringan tapi tetap dalam. Aku suka sekali gaya menulis Tere Liye ini, gak terasa ganjil atau dibuat-buat. Banyak kata-kata indah yang nggak norak, banyak kalimat yang quotable, dan ada aja humor lucu yang nyelip-nyelip. Romantisnya juga nggak berlebihan, sederhana, wajar, walaupun kadang sedikit bodoh tingkah para karakternya, tapi manusia itu memang begitu kan? Apalagi waktu lagi jatuh cinta. Hehehe.

Yang aku kurang sreg adalah ending nya yang menurutku agak anti-klimaks. Selain akar masalah yang ternyata adalah "itu" (Aku kira bakalan lebih dari itu masalahnya. *spoiler alert* Karena menurutku past is past, dan juga sebenernya si Mei bisa tinggal nyuruh Borno ngebuka angpau yang dulu itu kan, daripada kucing-kucingan selama berminggu-minggu sama Borno *spoiler ends*), aku sih ngarep bakal dipanjangin sedikit akhir ceritanya, bukan cuma dirangkum dalam satu epilog. Kan jadi kurang greget gitu... :|

Yaa, terlepas dari ending nya yang agak meleset dari harapan, aku senang dan sangat menikmati membaca novel ini. Bikin penasaran, termangu-mangu sedih, dan senyum-senyum sendiri :'D Novel ini ceritanya juga bukan soal cinta aja. Semangat dan kebaikan hati Borno, petuah-petuah Pak Tua, dan peristiwa-peristiwa yang terjadi pada orang-orang terdekat Borno juga menginspirasi dan ngasih pelajaran hidup. Sebenernya aku juga berharap kisah orang-orang terdekat Borno lebih diceritakan sih, bukan sekedar jadi tempat keluh kesah Borno aja. Apalagi Pak Tua. Penasaran banget aku sama masa lalu nya, gimana dia bisa jadi hebat seperti itu. Kepo yah aku... Hahaha. Tapi bener deh, karakternya itu menarik sekali.

Mungkin ini yang namanya "sepit" di novel ini ya?

Beberapa kutipan/quote favorit:

"Masa muda adalah masa ketika kita bisa berlari secepat mungkin, merasakan perasaan sedalam mungkin tanpa perlu khawatir jadi masalah"

"Cinta adalah perbuatan. Kata-kata dan tulisan indah adalah omong kosong."

"Percayalah, sepanjang kita punya mimpi, punya rencana, walau kecil tapi masuk akal, tidak boleh sekalipun rasa sedih, rasa tidak berguna itu datag mengganggu pikiran."

"Sejatinya, rasa suka tidak perlu diumbar, ditulis, apalagi kau pamer-pamerkan. Semakin sering kau mengatakannya, jangan-jangan dia semakin hambar, jangan-jangan kita mengatakannya hanya karena untuk menyugesti, bertanya pada diri sendiri, apa memang sesuka itu."

P.S. Terima kasih kepada saudara Linda 005 yang sudah meminjamkan buku ini. Hahaha :p

Thursday, January 24, 2013


Movie: The Perks of Being A Wallflower (2012)

I FINALLY watched The Perks of Being a Wallflower yesterday!!!! The trailer seemed SO promising and it's that kind of movie that I know I would love. Everyone loves this movie and the book, and they keep posting quotes and screencaps and their hands holding the book, etc. I hate when that happens! Because I haven't watch it (while I really wanna watch it)'s like everyone is teasing me -_- so naturally I have the urge to watch it right away.

I love this photo so much <3 p="">
And it was so good. I cried and almost cried a couple times. I don't understand some parts of the story, tapi secara keseluruhan cerita jelas sih. It is not an ordinary teenage movies. It brings back memories of high school, especially for those who grow up in the 90's. Tapi menurutku film ini relatable buat semua orang. Memang gak semua momen di film ini pernah kita alami waktu SMA, but we can still feel it. The vibe, the "youth" feel that you might not be able to feel again.

The director of this movie is Stephen Chbosky himself, the writer of the novel. And this is the first movie he directed! Wow, right? The three main casts, Logan Lerman, Emma Watson, and Ezra Miller did an amazing job. They're so convincing. Logan made me cried. I don't see any Hermione Granger in this movie (Emma also speaks in american accent perfectly here!). And I want to have a gay best friend like Patrick (Ezra's role in this movie).

Another movie I remember Ezra played is We Need to Talk About Kevin, he played a psycho teenager or something there. Never say never, but seriously, I would never watch that kind of film ever, but I read some reviews about that film, and they said Ezra was scary there. Okay,they didn't say that, but I conclude he was scary there. Really different from his character here. My point is, he's a good actor, right?! :D

I like this movie, but it would be even better if I already read the book. The quotes are scattered around the internet, everyone keeps posting them, as I said before. But I love them all, though. I'll read the book right after I finish my current reading (Aku, Kau, dan Sepucuk Angpau Merah - Tere Liye)! Ughhh why am I so slow in reading lately (for the past few years actually).

P.S. After watching this, I feel like making a mix tape (or mix CD?? well whatever they called) for someone.

Thursday, January 10, 2013


Movie: Now Is Good (2012)

Heeeyyyaaaa'll! (it's supposed to be read: "hey you all", if some of you don't get it)
I have a day off today, and because I downloaded a movie yesterday, I have to watch it today. The movie is Now Is Good. I don't wanna do a proper review about it. I don't know why, I just don't have the mood to do reviews anymore. I've watch two interesting movies last year (read: december 2012), and now I still don't have the mood to talk about them here (it's too late anyways). They're 5 cm and Test Pack. I like them both though! And both are Indonesian movies!

Sooo, onto the movie I just watched.......

I wanna watch this movie because: 1) Dakota Fanning is in this movie (for those who don't know, I'm a fan of Fanning sisters), 2)The guy is cute (He's Jeremy Irvine, but before this movie, I haven't watch any of his act), 3)From the trailer, it seems interesting.

Turned out......the first half of the movie is kinda boring. But I get used to it after a while. I think the script is not really good, because some of the dialogues and stuff are kinda.....not impressive? I just didn't really enjoyed it. The first few scenes also very awkward. Haha.

I have to say I'm *kinda* dissapointed because there are some parts of the story is kinda weird. However, I still got carried away with the story, and then towards the end of the movie, I was crying like a baby. Applause for the amazing casts!! Especially Dakota Fanning, everytime I see her crying, I wanna cry too T^T (she also speaks with british accent here). And Paddy Considine, who played as Dakota's dad, is really good too.

And Jeremy Irvine! I don't know what to say about him. He's really sweet (and hot) here, but there are some things I don't like about his character too (kadang-kadang gak sopan ini anak -_-). But he's surely a hottie ;)


Soooo, it's not a perfect movie, but I love Dakota's and Jeremy's realationship here (eventhough it's kinda extreme in some parts :| *but it's romantic*) and it made me cried. Hehehe.

Weekend is around the corner but on monday I'll have two exams! Woot woot! -_-
Nevermind, people say 'don't have to worry about the future and just enjoy the present', right? :)
Buat yang lagi UAS juga, sukses yaaa!!! :)
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