Thursday, March 26, 2015

10 Best Songs Of My Chemical Romance

Walaupun My Chemical Romance udah bubar, bolehlah kita bernostalgia sedikit. This post is totally subjective, anyway, because by "best" I mean: my "most favorite". Jadi, maksud postingan ini sebenernya adalah: 10 lagu MCR yang paling aku suka, yaaa. *jawab: iya, bu guruuuu*

Salah satu yang bikin aku suka sama MCR adalah lagu-lagunya bukan sembarang lagu garang, suram, atau teriak-teriaknya Gerard Way aja (I love you, Om Gerard) tapi lagu mereka itu melodinya seringkali menyentuh sampe bikin merinding. I can't explain it. Isn't it so weird and magical that such melodies can make us chills? Aku mudah sekali merinding sih kalo denger lagu yang bagus (bahkan sampe sekarang, pas denger lagu Overdose-nya EXO aku masih merinding sesekali -_-)

Aku mungkin belum dengerin banyak band, khususnya band rock, tapi menurutku MCR is one of the best bands, ever. At least in my opinion. Urutan lagu-lagu MCR di bawah ini aku tentuin umumnya berdasarkan 'kena' atau nggaknya lagu tersebut pas didengerin. Sebenernya hampir semua lagunya aku suka.

10. You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison

Judul dan lirik lagu ini emang suram. Musiknya juga suram dan “macho” gitu. Kalo dengerin ini otomatis aku langsung pengen nyanyiin juga.

"But nobody cares if you're losing I losing myself?!"

9. This Is How I Disappear

Lagu yang udah “nendang” semenjak dari intronya. Lagu ini liriknya lebih depressing tapi musik dan nyanyian Gerard lebih macho dari lagu di urutan ke-10. 

"And without you is how I disappear,
And live my life alone forever now."

8. Disenchanted

This song is in the sad, mellow side of MCR. Umumnya lagu MCR yang bernuansa sedih lebih hits, iya atau nggak? Yang jelas dulu lagu ini sempet jadi teman galauku. Hahahah

"It was the roar of the crowd
That gave me heartache to sing."

7. Helena

Salah satu lagu MCR yang paling terkenal dan banyak disukai orang. Sejujurnya aku nggak terlalu “gila” sukanya sama lagu ini. Tapi bagian chorus yang “so long and good night” itu selalu menyayat hati dan bikin kepengen ikutan nyanyi juga (gak nyambung, ya?).

"Can we pretend
To leave? And then
We'll meet again
When both our cars collide."

6. Summertime

Lagu yang simple untuk ukuran MCR. Always makes me a lil bit sad every time I listen to it.

"When the lights go out
Will you take me with you
And carry all this broken bone
Through six years down in crowded rooms
And highways I call home?"

5. I Don't Love You

At first I thought I don't like this song very much, but apparently this still gives me goosebumps and the melody just rips your heart easily.

"So fix your eyes and get up
Better get up
While you can"

4. Cancer

The ultimate sad song. It still gives me goosebumps every time. Unfortunately it’s too short, though. Cuman dua menitan durasi lagunya.

"My sisters and my brothers, still,
I will not kiss you,
'Cause the hardest part of this is leaving you."

3. Mama

Lagu yang berkesan kolosal dan teatrikal. Keren banget.  This song should have its own music video. Sayang sekali nggak ada :(

"Mama, we all go to hell.
It's really quite pleasant
Except for the smell,
Mama, we all go to hell."

2. I'm Not Okay (I Promise)

Walaupun lagu Mama lebih emosional dan kolosal, I'm Not Okay harus di posisi runner up karena selain ini lagu yang membawa MCR jadi besar, lagu ini menurutku nunjukkin MCR yang muda tapi matang (dalam hal musik). Lagunya bikin semangat dan bikin otomatis pengen ikut nyanyi. I love the intro of this song. And I also love the music video :D

"You said you read me like a book, but the pages all are torn and frayed"

1. Welcome to The Black Parade

I don't even have to think to put this song as number one. This is, in my opinion, MCR's best song and definitely one of my most favorite songs ever. Epic as heck.

"He said, "Son when you grow up,
would you be the saviour of the broken,
the beaten and the damned?""

MCR best album? Definitely The Black Parade. Strong concept and has even darker emo/goth side but more mature.


Ngomong-ngomong MCR, mantan vokalis MCR, Gerard Way ngeluarin album solonya yang berjudul Hesitant Alien tahun 2014 kemaren. Aku udah dengerin albumnya dan aku cukup suka. Bisa ngobatin kangen sama MCR :’)

The album has MCR touch here and there. Mungkin sebagian besar karena suara Gerard yang udah jadi jiwanya MCR. Kalo musiknya paling mirip sama album MCR yang Danger Days. Lagu-lagu di album Gerard yang paling aku suka: Brother, How It's Going To Be, Maya The Psychic, dan Television All The Time.


ditaastiani said... [Reply to comment]

Nice share! My fav are the first and the last album.

Jefferson L said... [Reply to comment]

yang pertama oke juga, tapi lebih suka i don't love you~

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